Thursday, March 31, 2016


I didn't take any other pictures today, but even if I did I honestly wouldn't be able to help myself. These things get me every time. 
$20 to whoever can tell me what these shirts mean.


  1. The first one sounds like the slogan for a new horror film. "The Growing'
    The second one is from the designers answers from a game his high school friend made him play. It goes like this.
    Pick five random books.
    Open the first one up to the first chapter and write down the first two words.
    Open up to the second book's second chapter and write down the second and third words.

    Keep this up and you get the inspiration for the gray shirt!!

    1. 'IMAING' is a word from a book then?? D:

  2. Replies
    1. Nice try, but I don't think that's what either of the shirts read.
