Friday, March 18, 2016


I actually didn't take any pictures today because I've been kind of busy with homework, but I haven't shared this one! I bought a little plant from the supermarket about a week ago because I wanted to. I have yet to name it and am still looking for suggestions! (If you can't tell from the picture, there are three little offshoots, so I thought it'd be fun to give each of them a name that all go together. However, I'm open to any and all suggestions :3).


  1. Will you be able to take it back to San Antonio with you?

    1. I don't think so, but I'm not thinking of/worrying about that at the moment (which might be naive of me, but oh well).

  2. How about naming it "Pengflora," after Peng, the great bird. Your plant reminds me of a plant called "hen and chicks," or I should say that maybe it's called that since I am no botanist.
    -- Ren Laoshi (in case it doesn't show)

    1. Actually, one of my classmates told me that was what it was after I bought it! I looked it up on Google afterwards, and my plant seems to resemble other hens and chicks, so I'm assuming he was right (hopefully that's the case - I've been using care techniques for hens and chicks to cater to my own plant).
