Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Last Wednesday, there was an event at my school for foreign students to practice Chinese with local students. I talked with one girl who gave me her phone number so I could add her on WeChat later as I didn't have my phone on me at the time. I spent Sunday night catching up on my blog and I realized that I hadn't yet added her, which I did even though it was around 1am (so I guess technically it was Monday). Surprisingly, she accepted my request within a few minutes and asked if I was interested in joining her for lunch later that day (we had spent a good deal of time talking about food). I accepted and was really happy about the invitation because I figured I would be eating alone that day. She took me to a Korean restaurant across the street, a little farther from the school than I usually venture (she told me that she invited her roommate, who declined because she said she didn't want to walk that far). In her opinion, it's the best Korean place close by. This is a picture of the inside of the restaurant, which I thought was really cute. Lunch went well, but I feel bad for not trying to talk in Chinese more because I know how it feels to try to communicate in a language I am not comfortable with and figured she might feel that way after talking in English for so long. I'll try harder next time.

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