Saturday, March 5, 2016


I wanted to see the river today, so I traveled via metro and did exactly that (also, today was Saturday, and I figured I should actually do exploring of the sort while I actually had the time). I think it would make me happy to live in a city with reliable public transportation like this.
There were actually a lot of people just hanging out and/or flying kites in the area. You could also walk across this bridge of rocks to get to an island with a similar sandy terrain located near the middle of the river.
Here's what part of that bridge looked like:

I took a picture of a good spot. There were some places where the rocks weren't in a straight formation like this, and they were a bit tricky to traverse. 
Also, there were amusement park rides targeted towards younger kids just off the riverfront, so that was cool to see (Elise and Cynthia, if you are reading this, the rides reminded me of the thing that came to Georgetown with 'The Zipper' but they weren't quite as extreme that).
All in all, it was a good day of exploring. I honestly had no idea what to expect when I got off the metro, but I will say that this was quite a pleasant surprise.


  1. Hahaha The Zipper... perfect for small children...
    Cynthia says the carnival is actually back right now!

    1. I have fond memories of being in The Zipper with Cynthia. I actually randomly think of that sometimes. I miss you guys D:
      Wow, that was a quick turnaround from the last time it was in town! Are you all going to go?

    2. I don't think so... we don't have any plans to currently.
