Monday, March 7, 2016


This is a picture of my (currently messy) room! I didn't take any pictures today because I've been sick since midnight. I'm currently feeling a lot better than before, but hopefully I'll totally recover soon. I think it was food poisoning, but I don't know what it was that could have made me sick - I didn't eat anything particularly unusual. And the last meal I had was in the school cafeteria, so that's reassuring.
Anyways, I haven't shown anyone around my room and figured I should let everyone see where I spent pretty much all day today! The room feels like a hotel room, and that bothers me. I wish it felt more homey.
The mattress is a bit deceiving because it's a lot firmer than I expected (which may be the norm here, but I'm not sure). It's still a bed, though, so amen for that.

I guess appending a panoramic shot including the features of both this image and the first one would have been more convenient, but whatever. The left side is a desk area. You can hardly see it affixed to the wall above the pink card, but I have a television in my room (yes, the shows are Chinese. I've actually only had it on once and that was mainly just for background noise. But the commercials made me laugh - they go by so quickly. Something I've heard about the US is that TV commercials are ridiculously long. That seems to hold true in comparison to Chinese television).

That's the entry-way to my room. To the left before the door leading to the hall is a door that leads to the restroom. Again, it's usually not this messy. However, my neighbor that got locked out of her room lent me cleaning supplies so I could deep-clean my bathroom (I didn't realize how gross it was until I was cleaning it). I also feel bad that she used it while it was in its dirty state because she was locked out of her own restroom. Oh well.

This is the view of my room with the window behind me. There's a cabinet and a closet for storage. Not much to see and therefore I guess an anti-climactic end to the post.
also, congrats on getting semi-rick-rolled. luv u guys


  1. Did you pull that up just to rick-roll us? Or were you just watching it...?
    Cool room!! 😄 are you gonna put stuff on the walls?

    1. Of course I had that up on purpose. That's what friends are for, right?
      I wish I could have brought my posters with me, but oh well. I don't have anything to put on my walls.

  2. "congrats on getting semi-rick-rolled." I see it!
    also yeesss decorate the f out of this place, make it you!!
    Although I do see the hotel aspect of the room I'm also glad to see the room reminds me of you (I guess it's your familiar stuff). I didn't know how much of your own stuff you were going to be able to take with you, but I'm glad you have as much as you do.
    luv you!!

    1. I deleted your duplicate comment because ~aesthetics~ (thx Connor Murphy) so I hope you are not offended.
      I'm not going to decorate any more than this cause I would have to go out and buy stuff, and then worrying about what I'm going to do with it when I leave will just be a hassle.
      Except, and this could kind of go along with Elise's comment, there were some anime posters I saw for sale near the market I go to, and one of them was from an anime I really like, so if I see that there next time I will likely buy it (I wanted to buy it before, but I didn't know how to ask for it...all of the posters available were tied together)

    2. Can we send you stuff for your walls?

    3. If you would like to, I don't see why not xD
