Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today's pictures are of FOOD (#amazing)! I've had a sore throat since yesterday afternoon and was otherwise feeling a little under the weather, so I decided to get soup for dinner. One of my first meals in China was at this place which I went to with a few other international students where you can pick out what you want (and that particular day we all decided that everyone had to get at least one chicken foot to try, but since I did not particularly enjoy that, I passed on it today).

Most of the stuff in the soup is tofu (shout-out to Kenny who knows that his sister loves tofu). When your order is ready, the number on your receipt is called, and I'm embarrassed to say that that aspect had me scrambling onto the restaurant WiFi to figure out how to say 137 in Chinese (granted, if I had figured it out in time I wouldn't have registered it anyway because they say it too fast for me to understand, but knowing that the number would end in 7 [七, pronounced qī in pinyin] was my saving grace).

This is where the magic happens. There's actually another shelf just like this with items to add to your soup, but there were customers there when I took this picture. And yes, you even pick out your noodles. The soup is charged by weight, so the amount you pay varies. My bowl tonight was about ¥17, which is a tad expensive in my opinion, but it was worth it. I almost ate too much but at least my tummy is full and happy ☀☁✰♬


  1. This looks so yummy!!!!
    reminds me that I need to find my pirate card to go to the commons

    1. Speaking of the commons, I went to the school cafeteria for lunch once, but the food was pretty spicy @__@ granted they essentially have a bunch of little stores to get food from and I've only tried that one..
      either way, much better than the commons. :P but i hope you find your card soon! :( you need to eat!
