Thursday, March 10, 2016


This was my dinner! I have no idea what it was. If I had seen a picture of it before I probably wouldn't have ordered it, but it tasted good. All I understood from the menu was that I would be getting beef and rice. The vegetables seemed kind of like potatoes. Being used to American Korean restaurants where you are almost always given a plethora of sides, it was a let-down to see how little kimchi they gave me, but restaurants seem to skimp on a lot of stuff like that (including meats in the dishes) here.
Also, a lady I'm assuming was a worker or manager of some sort was sitting in a booth to my right. At one point, she started to take a selfie, so I turned towards her to watch. It turned out that she was trying to angle her selfie so that I was in it and she laughed when I noticed. I don't know whether she was embarrassed or not, and I don't know whether she ended up with a picture.

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