Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I didn't get any pictures today, and I know I already posted pictures of my room, but this is noteworthy news! On Wednesday, 3/16, I was in a rush to get to class in the morning which of course is the perfect time for things to go wrong. I attempted to move the front wardrobe door too quickly and I guess it came off its tracks because it became stuck and I could not move it. I wouldn't have cared too much had it not been for the drawers which the door was blocking where I keep my clothes. I could only open the drawers about an inch and was able to retrieve some. I also already had some out, but the rest of my wardrobe was rendered useless for this period of five days. I finally got around to turning in a maintenance form so that it could be repaired (a classmate and I had already tried to move it and it wouldn't budge - we decided it was best for me to turn in a report so that I wouldn't have to pay in case we broke something). Yay for being able to wear more than just the same three shirts over and over!

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