Friday, March 18, 2016


On Mondays, I only have one class in the morning so afterwards, I decided to buy a light jacket (which was more complicated than I wanted it to be due to the language barrier). The clothing stores I went to are located in the same building that has the supermarket where I usually buy my groceries. Outside of the supermarket is a food court, and out of curiosity I decided to see what exactly this food court offered. Since most classes finish at 12 for lunch and it was around 11:15 at the time, there was hardly anyone around.
I then decided to eat lunch because why not. I was eating when a guy ordered from the same place I did and soon approached me to talk. I was a bit off-put at first because stranger-danger. He was talking to me in English which was surprising, but I figured he was a Chinese person that knew English.
After a little bit, I realized that I had seen him in the dorm elevator before, which meant he was an international student. Turns out he is from Kazakhstan, and later in the day he invited me to his room to share some snacks with me. That's what the picture is of. Both of the candies were chocolates (and good). I'm not exactly sure what the other two things were or what they are called. The white one was tolerable. He told me it can be eaten plain, but it was really hard to bite into. It tasted kind of like milk or some other dairy product. The smaller thing was... not so good. It had a strong taste which I'm not sure how to describe.
Also not pictured was a spread I tried which reminded me of Nutella, except less sugary. It came in a can and was a lighter brown, and it was pretty good. I feel bad that I have no American snacks for him to try. However, it's understandable that he has a lot of food since he was here last semester and had a chance to go home and bring back food.
And apparently he follows both Barack and Michelle Obama on Instagram. He knows who Hillary, Trump, Rubio, Romney, and Jeb Bush are (and probably others that I didn't list). He's also aware that Ted Cruz ate a booger on national television. It's strange that he knows so many people from my country and yet I hardly know anything about his.

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