Saturday, March 12, 2016


I took this as a way of remembering my homework instead of having to write it down. Inadvertently, I got the teacher in the picture as well. She's in charge of my speaking class, and she's really enthusiastic and engaging. When I first met her and told her I was from Texas, her eyes widened and she exclaimed, "Texas! I know Texas!" and went on to praise at how technologically and otherwise advanced we are. Then she pulled up a picture of a random couple on her phone (I don't remember who exactly she said they were) and asked if I knew them. Of course I didn't, but I wasn't annoyed at her asking.
I also likes the way she starts class (granted, I've only been to two of her classes, so while this could be a thing she only does sometimes, I think she likely does it every time). She puts a prompt up on the projector, and each person has to respond to it in speech. For example, this day it was 'introduce someone or tell an interesting story'. It's fun to listen to what everyone has to say, but at the same time activities like this allow me to see how much my speaking stinks in comparison to my peers (I'm trying to get over that, though).
This was taken from the middle row of the classroom. There are three sections of seats - the two sections at the sides of the rooms are in pairs whereas the middle has four or five seats. The chairs are not very comfortable and the longer classes don't help my back. In this room (where all but two of my classes are held), there is a window on the side of the room where the curtain is. The door leading out to the 'hall' is on the other side (I put that in quotes because this building of classrooms isn't really enclosed - there are walls all around that have doors which are usually left open, but there is no roof so it's open air. And why the heater which can be seen in the picture is often necessary).
I'm surprised I could talk so much about this picture. I didn't really mean to, it just turned out that way.

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