Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I had a super filling lunch so when dinnertime came around, I wasn't too hungry. I decided to go to a nearby fruit seller to buy bananas and have one for dinner. Originally, I bought five bananas but I only had three at the time that I took this picture.
When I made the purchase, I was confused because I understood the numbers the seller was telling me but there was also a word that I didn't understand. I heard '4' and '5' and the number on the scale read 44.80, so I thought that was the price and handed over ¥100. He didn't seemed too fazed, and gave me a 50, a 20, two 10s and 5 for change. I said thank you and walked away, feeling slightly confused. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that something was off. At first I thought, 'wow, bananas are expensive..' and calculated that each banana was roughly ¥9, which is actually ridiculous but I justified it by recalling an experience where I felt that I paid too much for strawberries. Then I remembered, 'wait, he gave me A LOT of change..'. I went through the bills he gave me in my head and realized he had to have given me at least ¥90. I actually verified the change once I reached my dorm building, and figured maybe he misunderstood the price and accidentally gave me extra money. I figured I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't go back and verify the transaction with him, so I did.
Turns out it was ¥4.5 total for all 5 bananas. Needless to say I will be back for more (bananas, not mistakes, but I guess I'll accept mistakes if they happen ☀).

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