Sunday, March 27, 2016


Today's topic may be somewhat shocking...electricity! Sorry, I couldn't help myself (special shout-out to Gabe since he loves my puns ♡).
Anyways, we have to pay for electricity separately of our initial boarding cost. We were given an electricity card which we then had to put money on. To do that, you have to visit a counter at another building on campus. It's not too far from the international student dorm, but it's a bit inconvenient if you especially need power. Afterwards, you walk up to the appropriate sketchy closet in the dorm hallway (I say appropriate because there are multiple of these closets but as far as I know only two per floor house what I'm about to show).. it and find your room number. After you've located which card reader is yours, you open the door to this container..

..and then on the right side of each machine is a thin slot for you to insert your card. Once you do that (and assuming you have money on your card), you now have electricity, yay!
The first time I entered my room, the lights didn't work and the student that showed me to my room mumbled, "Oh..." after which he followed the appropriate steps here at this closet while I spent the duration watching him and wondering whether what he was doing was legal. Other than this unintended tutorial, no one (meaning student helpers or staff) explained the process of getting electricity. Luckily, there's a girl who lives down the hall that studied here last semester and she guided me through the process.
So why did I mention electricity today? This morning I was very fortunate to randomly wake up around 3:30am only to realize that my heater (which I turned on before going to sleep) was off. Sure enough, I tried turning on the room light, and nothing. I went back to sleep since I didn't need to worry about the problem just yet (not that there would be anything I could do about it anyway).
The main problem with not having power in the morning is the bathroom (the lighting in my room was fine since it was about 7am when I woke up and I have a window) because it's in the interior of the building and therefore pretty dark without the light. I wanted to take a shower before going out - thank you, flashlight app, for proving your worth to me.
So while it wasn't a big deal that running out of electricity occurred, it certainly made my morning more interesting than usual.

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