Wednesday, March 9, 2016


This is the view out of my window today. The emphasis is on this lovely weather - I normally like rain, but this is a little depressing. Not only is it wet, but it's also cold and windy and I have to walk around in this weather to get places (granted, not far - probably not even any farther than I would have to at Southwestern). On the day my neighbor locked herself out of her room, she mentioned that Nanchang had been experiencing nice weather up until that point. "The new people just don't know.." she added (she knows because she also studied here last semester). Case in point, it's not even one day into this, and I'm already grateful that I noted to bring a rain jacket. Though I do keep forgetting that my backpack is still going to get wet without an umbrella - I still have yet to purchase one.
Also, I want to take more pictures around my campus (particularly certain trees or around the water features), but this weather doesn't help with that.
Additionally, I've heard that Texas is experiencing similar weather. Stay safe guys, but enjoy it while you can! 

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