Monday, March 28, 2016


Food! I had lunch with my official Chinese family today. Everything was good as usual. The yellow things are kimchi pancakes ( ♡♡), and to the right and below those is braised meat (one was pork and I don't remember what the other was). The light colored meat pieces were some sort of fish-flavored sausage looking things. They were my favorite out of everything (though the pancakes come pretty close). The plate closest to the camera has some sort of wings. I resorted to using my hands because I have no idea how one manages to eat those with chopsticks. And the rest of the plates are veggies, with the peas plate containing meat.
There was also rice, and dumplings when they were finished cooking. I helped them to make the dumplings today! Here are some pictures of that:

They took the dough, cut small pieces, and flattened them out to make the outer part of the dumpling. We added a little bit of meat and corn (the bowl holding these can be seen in the picture below) to the inside and then sealed them up. The dad (sitting across from me in the picture below) folded them up rather nicely, so I was attempting to mimic his technique. All the while, the kid next to me in the picture seemed to prize speed over aesthetic ('We're just going to end up eating them'), so he kept telling me 'just do it like this! see? and then you're done!' and frequently asked how many I had made ('I've already made 7! You are on 4?')

As I mentioned before, the dad of the family was seated across from me. The girl with the headband and glasses is the daughter. She is ten years old. The rest of the kids are her friends (there was another boy present, but I guess he wasn't hanging around the table when this picture was taken). The mom was the one who took this picture. I had a really good time, and can't wait to spend more time with my family in the future. ☀

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