Thursday, April 28, 2016


As you can see, I felt quite bubbly today :p
The girl taking the picture is a friend of my friend next to me - she's the girl I met at Chinese corner. I guess I should introduce her since I've mentioned her before. I don't know the exact characters of her name (she might have written it down somewhere but I'm too tired and lazy to check) but her name sounds similar to how you say 'whale' in Chinese. For simplicity, she said I can call her whale in English (which I'll admit I feel a little weird doing).
There were seven of us altogether (six girls including me and the one guy, Whale's classmate that had dinner with us last time) that went to lunch today. Afterwards, we went to watch the remainder of a basketball game between two departments - the team that my acquaintances were rooting for barely lost after making it into overtime. This picture was taken after we left the gym and someone distributed these tiny bubble-balloon toys. And oh my gosh, all of Whale's female friends were taking SO MANY PICTURES OF THEIR BUBBLE BALLOON THINGS THEY TOOK FOREVER LIKE IT WAS SERIOUSLY SO RIDICULOUS and Whale and her male classmate told me, "Yeah, sometimes we have to pretend we don't know them.." which I found amusing. I had a fun time hanging out with them (also, the weather today was sunny and clear and amazing ☀☁)

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