Monday, April 18, 2016


The sun came out today, so I decided to do laundry! (I mean, I also had a lot of clothes to wash anyway.) This is the laundry room. The one machine with the circular door on the front is a dryer and the rest are washers (except the one along the back wall in the bottom left corner - that's also a dryer). The black boxes above each machine are where your student card is charged. 

Also, I saw this along with a basket of clothes on one of the dryers today and ??? Does this person know who used the dryer before them? Because honestly I wouldn't want others touching my clothes and I wouldn't want to touch anyone else's (and you have to pay for the dryer, so I'm not sure how that would work? unless that is the free dryer...some students have said there are some machines that can be used for free).

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