Thursday, April 7, 2016


In keeping with the previous pictures of people and the fact that I didn't take any pictures today, I thought I would share some pictures of my classmates and I from the trip to Meiling. I guess it's also relevant to today since yesterday and today, I saw two of my classmates at lunch and then again this afternoon at Chinese corner (one of them is the guy with the gray and light blue shirt and the other one didn't go on the trip).
In the bottom picture you can see that a couple of my classmates are holding the Kazakhstan flag. Also, the lady with the red shirt and the white cap is the teacher (王老师) who took us to Meiling. The top picture is of all the students from my class who went - they are all from Kazakhstan except the girl with the maroon tank top who is from Mongolia. (Oh and Hannah, the one in the stripes is my classmate whose first language is Persian.)

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