Saturday, April 9, 2016


These are some student apartments on campus. One aspect of Chinese culture (at least here in Nanchang, I'm not sure about bigger cities) that I believe I have neglected to mention is that many people dry their clothes outside. I don't know if it's because dryers here don't work that well (I've been told this is true of the dryers in my dorm) or if it is to save money on energy for the appliances. While it is a more eco-friendly approach than using dryers, I don't think that is the reason for doing so (In fact, I would argue from my experiences that China is not so eco-friendly).
In a way, I find it comforting. Not that I purposely look at every article of clothing (that would be creepy), but I like seeing clothes hanging outside of people's windows as I walk by. They even sell plastic mobile hangers of varying sizes at the supermarket so that you can dry multiple items at once. While dryers are convenient so that you don't have to wait very long for clothes, I can see myself air-drying clothes more often when I return to the US. 

This is the hanger that I was talking about :3
In my opinion, there's only one slight problem with drying clothes outside here - the weather. It rains quite a bit and Google seems to do a bad job of accurately predicting the weather here (likely because it's blocked in China). Some floors of my dorm building have a terrace-like room outside with bars where you can hang-dry clothes, and while some parts have an overhead roof, I still wouldn't chance it on a day it seems likely to rain in case of wind.

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