Wednesday, April 27, 2016


~scenic China~
Hehe, but there are restaurants on either side of the road (which I obviously didn't do a good job of including in the shot) and food is good so yay. This is across the street from my campus but it's still pretty close to my dorm. 
Also, you might notice there is a fair amount of litter on the ground. It's typical to see people simply drop their trash on the street rather than take it to a trash can. One morning I walked near here and saw a lot of trash from fireworks (I'm not sure why fireworks were set off, but that actually happens often enough that no one is surprised by it). I've also seen clumps of hair on the side of the street probably from a nearby barber shop (and speaking of hair places, most of the ones I've seen would not be considered sanitary by US standards, the floors are COVERED in hair). I'm not sure if this reasoning is accurate, but after experiencing the street conditions it makes sense that taking off your shoes before entering a house is a necessity/tradition here.

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