Sunday, April 24, 2016


The English Corner events I have been to in the past were held at another campus. However, I was invited to an English corner on my own campus tonight and I decided to go. It was fun despite the topic being film (which I'm not too interested in - most of the people were shocked upon finding out that I have never watched the entirety of the Titanic). They also gave out (relatively unhealthy) snacks and drinks, which was quite unlike the larger English corner. There were only two foreigners in attendance, one of which was me. The other is the girl in the light blue shirt making the peace sign with her right arm sticking out to her side - she's from Korea. The guy kneeling in front with the blue jacket whose peace sign in in front of the cup of juice is the person who invited me - his English name is Alex. I met him at the larger English corner event, and he was in charge of tonight's activities along with the girl in the red and white sweater to my left. Also, the guy in the center with the blue sweater and collared shirt underneath works in the (Overseas) Student Support Office, and he's the volunteer that picked me up from the airport - his English name is Archer. There were two other girls at the event that didn't join the picture because they were too shy (they were in my group and didn't talk much, mostly laughed among themselves. Afterwards, they both added me on WeChat and one of them sent me a message which read that they don't speak English well and were laughing because they didn't know what to say).

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