Thursday, April 7, 2016


Because I've still been lazy about taking pictures, here are some more from the Lushan Trip. These center around the travel process. This first picture is the opening to the train station. To get past the booths outside, you have to show your ticket, which you purchase from another building/section outside of this one.

I took this picture in the train station heading to the platform.
choo choo

This was the bus we took from the entrance of Lushan Park to a more central area where we intended to find a hostel. Some of us (including me) took a similar bus back to Jiujiang (our group split for convenience reasons). The bus drivers go fast for the roads being so curvy and it was honestly kind of scary. Not to mention the ride into Lushan was pretty awful for most (if not all) of us because we didn't have a proper meal before (it didn't help that I was excited/anxious about seeing new sights and such so my brain was going 932298347 miles an hour along with the bus going fast up winding paths). The trip down wasn't so bad in that respect since we had lunch before leaving.

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