Monday, April 18, 2016


I had an awesome dinner with friends tonight cooked by two girls from the Czech Republic and two Chinese friends of one of those girls (the Chinese friends are a couple). The location was the Chinese couple's apartment. In the picture the green stuff is guacamole (!! I actually have yet to see avocados in China, which makes me wonder how expensive they were) and below that is fish. Below the fish is 红烧肉 which is really good and apparently was Mao Zedong's favorite. The red stuff are sliced tomatoes and above that is beef. Next to the beef is some sort of leafy vegetables, maybe some sort of cabbage. AAAND NEXT TO THAT IN THE POT ARE MASHED POTATOES AND THEY WERE SO GOOD! We also had a soup afterwards which is not pictured.
It actually took a while to cook the dinner due to delays in getting the groceries and the power going out for about five minutes at one point. It was probably around 8:45 or 9pm when we ate even though the planned time was 7. The people who didn't cook played cards together. 

The couple also had two cats, which provided some entertainment for us. The orange one was shy and would often run away. We used a laser pointer to play with the gray one and I'm pretty sure we traumatized him because after we put it away he was still walking around alert looking for the light. He was also breathing kind of hard. 
After dinner, the Czech girls made pancakes (except they realized they bought yogurt instead of milk and had to make do with that) and a jam and they were very good! They only made one for each of us since they were time-consuming to prepare, and I forgot to take pictures of them while we still hadn't eaten them.

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