Friday, April 22, 2016


I know I have been posting a lot of food pictures lately (I might as well have an Instagram at this point) but this is very important! I ate at a place called George's today, which is funny because for starters, I don't think it's called George's. I actually don't know the place's name (if it even has one), but for some reason it is known as George's among international students (whether that is only exchange students or actually all international students is unclear). This is 红烧茄子, or eggplant braised in soy sauce. I think the only times I had eggplant in the US were at Italian restaurants, and I wasn't ever too enthused by its flavor. But THIS IS SO GOOD. And actually, it might be that anything 红烧 is good because I also really like 红烧肉, which is braised pork.
However, I sadly still kind of miss American fast food. I caught myself thinking about Chik-Fil-A waffle fries today. And I've been toying with the idea of trying KFC because Xintong recommended it. Or maybe some other fast food place such as Dairy Queen, which I was originally surprised to see here, but I guess the franchise is more widespread than I thought. I think my surprise stems from their jingle, 'that's what I like about Texas!' which I guess I'm not sure why that's a thing since according to their website the restaurant's place of origin seems to be Illinois. (I didn't read too much into it because I am tired and the WiFi is acting up right now, but a possibility for such specific advertising seems to be that there are more Dairy Queens in Texas.)

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