Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Found out rather last minute today that there was Chinese corner. I met with the girl I usually talk to there, and we talked about food once again. I asked about her opinion of dumpling places around campus, and she recommended one on a street closer to the classroom building. However, her classmate told her that the place she was thinking of no longer exists, so went elsewhere.
In the top picture, the guy standing in the striped shirt is my friend's classmate, and my friend is the girl standing just to the right of him with the dark jacket.

I actually ordered 炒手, but this came with my friend's order and she let me try it. It was basically a rice wine soup and tasted surprisingly sweet. For some reason, it tasted like bread to me. I think it might be because all the bread I've had in China is sweet (I'm pretty sure all the bread I've bought had red beans in it, not that I've actually bought that much bread because I have no self-control when it comes to eating things that are not previously portioned). Basically, it did not taste like a soup at all, but I still liked it.

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