Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Since I didn't get any pictures today, here are more photos of the Lushan trip featuring actual pictures of people including me looking like a derp!
It was cool and kind of creepy that there was so much fog that you couldn't even see the other side of this bridge.

Look and pay for transportation in a different language or squeeze with friends? I have no idea how we managed to make such a diagonal looking line. Oh, and by the way there are two more people in the car that you can't see because they're sitting behind the line. (Don't worry, the car rides like this were pretty short, we definitely didn't feel safe doing this long distance.)

Selfie featuring my unwashed hair and broken seat on the train ride home! You can't tell from the picture, but the seat didn't lock so if I leaned it back, it would go farther than it should have and very much invaded the personal bubble of the passenger sitting behind me. Therefore, I sat pretty far forward. Thank goodness the ride was only an hour.

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