Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Haha. So there are multiple P.E. classes at the same time, but none of them were given a specific location, so everyone met in the lobby of the P.E. building. As you can imagine, everyone was lost for a bit. My Chinese classmates helped me get here and jump into a class (long story short, the P.E. class that I registered for is not the one I will be attending).

Went to the supermarket today. 
Because I am in Inner Mongolia which borders the country Mongolia and Mongolians consume a large amount of dairy, there are a lot of milk-based products in the supermarkets (especially yogurt). Chinese people actually don't care for milk-based products much, so this is interesting to me.
I took a picture of this particular product because it looks interesting and I want to know what it is. The Chinese literally translates to "milk skin", and it is in fact some sort of milk sheet made to eat, but, like, I am still curious! What does it taste like? How crunchy is it?
I was not curious enough to buy it, but that was partly because of the price (especially for something I might not even like!). I did buy a different snack though, so once I try that I'll let y'all know how it was.

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