Saturday, September 7, 2019


Mmm, fresh dandruff.

肉夹馍 (rou jia mo). One webpage I saw translated this into English as 'Chinese hamburger'...I personally don't agree with that translation.
When ordering something with meat it's very common to not get a lot...despite that, this was still tasty! Much better than the one I tried yesterday, which was too salty and dry. 


I think every floor in my dorm has a kitchen (but I'm honestly not sure because I live on the second floor and have only been up to the third floor, I think there are about six or seven floors total in this building?). Anyways, this is a picture of the kitchen on my floor. I'd be fine with trying to cook, but I would want to buy a rice cooker, a knife, and a pan first.


  1. Lol all that dandruff.
    Also that 'hamburger' looks good!
    Are there relatively inexpensive rice cookers? Or can you split it with your roomie?

    1. Splitting the cost with my roomie is a good suggestion! She has said that she can't/doesn't want to cook, though. Maybe she would make rice for herself sometimes and I can convince her to split the cost? I remember seeing some cheap ones the last time I was in China, but I haven't paid attention to the price of rice cookers now/around here. Also, not sure about the quality of cheap rice cookers. I suppose I could also ask the international students who have a rice cooker for their opinion.

      Generally though, I feel like things are more expensive here than they were in Nanchang. Not sure if that was an economy change in the past few years or just a difference in cities.

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