Friday, December 14, 2018


This is not the most visually appealing structure or picture, but it was the only picture I took today. It's Sunday, meaning it's time to go home :(

There was a couple sitting next to my mom and I in the airport. The girl looked over at my journal with Chinese characters (although I was actually trying to learn some Spanish from my mom) and asked what language it was. And the conversation floodgates were opened. Upon learning we were from a big city in Texas they responded, "Ah, yeah, so not much in Little Rock, right?" true I guess, but I feel like people are so quick to dismiss small cities. 

Anyways, they were a young couple, around my age. They had just married and were leaving on their honeymoon. I don't remember where exactly they were going, but some typical out-of-country beach destination. I don't think it was Mexico? But it was definitely somewhere Spanish-speaking, because the girl mentioned that she took Spanish in school but doesn't remember any of it.

1 comment:

  1. I don't what to say about this picture, but I really enjoyed, when read this story. 😊
