Friday, December 14, 2018


My flight from Austin to Dallas yesterday was at 6:15am. I also live an hour away from the airport. So I woke up at about 4am yesterday, and didn't get to bed until maybe 10pm-12am. I was very tired, so I slept in this morning. My mom had to go to a meeting this morning, but we decided to meet during her lunch break and go to a purse museum nearby.

I know that sounds weird, but it was pretty cool, and my mom enjoyed it despite not being a huge museum person. They had exhibit containers displaying handbags by the decade, as well as items which would have been in the handbags.

One point I kept hearing is that this is one of three purse museums in the world - there is one in Seoul, and one in Amsterdam.

After our museum break, my mom had to go back to her meeting. So I walked down the street to the Museum of Discovery, which is a science-based museum aimed at providing activities for kids. Before I went inside, I saw the peanut mobile sitting outside. Funny story about this - if you know my mom, you know that she loves to keep up with the news. Usually she reads newspapers, but she had the news channel turned on in our hotel room yesterday afternoon. The news reporter was talking about how the peanut mobile would be going around to some downtown destinations on Friday (today). So, yup, just happened to run into it. 

Inside the Museum of Discovery. There were actually some pretty cool exhibits. It's pretty interactive too, which is nice cause I assume most kids don't have the patience to be quiet and read things.

View of Little Rock from our hotel room. The river that you can see on the right is the Arkansas River.

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