Friday, December 14, 2018


It's been rainy and dreary and awful in Texas for the past two months. (Unfortunately, the weather was the same when I arrived in Little Rock.) I looked out the window for almost the whole flight from Austin to Dallas (a short flight - probably about 40 minutes) and the picture above was the only break in the clouds that I saw)

My mom and I made it to Little Rock, Arkansas! She's here for a board meeting. I'm here for no particular reason - just wanted to travel and get away from my office. The organization holding the board meeting paid for her room, so I only had to pay for my flight.

The last time I was on a plane was about two years ago, when I visited a friend after returning to the US from China. I forgot how much I love flying, especially if I have the window seat. (Although I hate to be THAT person who puts the window all the way up in an otherwise darkened plane cabin.) Some people say take-off and landing are the worst parts - I love all of it. Unless the person next to me is sick. Also, I don't care for flights longer than about 3 hours because it is hard for me to sleep on planes. And when I do sleep, it's usually in short intervals, no more than an hour at a time.

Anyways, my mom flew from San Antonio to Dallas and I flew from Austin to Dallas. Then, from Dallas to Little Rock, we were on the same flight. It will be the same on the way home.

Two things about Little Rock you may or may not know: 1. They actually have fall, that season where leaves change into pretty colors instead of turning brown and dying!

2. The 42nd President of the United States, William (Bill) Clinton, is originally from Arkansas. He isn't actually from Little Rock, but I assume he spent a decent amount of time here while holding other political positions since Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas. So there's a lot of Clinton stuff here. My mom and I don't care so much about political divides, and we kept joking about how my dad would hate this place.

There is a museum dedicated to the Clintons inside of the Clinton Presidential Library! My mom and I got here about an hour before they closed, so we didn't get to go through everything, but it was still really cool.

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