Friday, December 14, 2018


Drove back to Texas from Kansas City today. But before I left, I took some pictures of my Airbnb:

my room. had its own fridge! and TV, but I didn't use that.

Kitty! They actually had two cats, but only one was allowed outside.

sitting room/dining room (?)

Other side of the sitting room/dining room, leading into the living room


And my car parked on their driveway!

I think I left Kansas City around 6:30am, if not earlier. I thought about and was on track to stop at a park in Kansas, but I felt kind of tired and really just wanted to be home.

I did stop for lunch though - and of course I chose Braum's! Burger was decent, but not anything special, although my opinion may have been influenced by the default cheese and condiments that I did not ask for. Still, I think Whataburger is better :P I'm pretty sure I took a video of myself trying the Braum's burger, and was going to post it here, but I can't seem to find it :c

Finally, I made it home around 4:45pm! There was still some time left in the day before work on Monday. But I didn't do much because I was so tired. However, I am excited to try cooking the vegetables I bought from the farmer's market in Kansas City!

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