Friday, December 14, 2018


In all honesty, I spent most of my time today at the Arkansas State Capitol Building. It took me about 30 minutes to walk here from my hotel. My mom would have disapproved if she saw the route I had to take to get there. But walking is cheaper than Uber, and I haven't walked a lot in a while. I thoroughly enjoyed my time.

Actually, when I first got to the capitol, I guess something was going on, perhaps some sort of charity event? There were people dressed as superheroes standing outside of the capitol building, and there were a decent amount of kids getting their pictures taken with them.

The side of the building. That's another thing - it's actually a very beautiful building for being in the 'boonies', by more urban American standards.

Looking up to the ceiling on the inside. The building has four floors.

I wonder what it would be like to come to this building every day for work. Everything just looks so...important.

The bridge in the background goes over the Arkansas River. This was taken on my walk back to the hotel. I took a slightly different route than I did in the morning, and this stretch was even sketchier than where I walked earlier. Mom would very much have disapproved.