Monday, December 23, 2019


Another polluted day today, except I had to go outside because I had class.

I still don't understand what factors affect pollution. I know that winter is generally more polluted than summer because (at least in China) winter = cold = burn coal for warmth = pollution. I also know that nighttime air is generally more polluted than daytime air, I promise I read about it before but I don't remember the science off the top of my head (it's never been my strong suit).

Anyways, I unintentionally happened to take two pictures in about the same location at two different times during the day. In the morning, the air was fine. But when I went out for lunch, totally different story. And it just about stayed that way for the rest of the day.

The picture above was taken at about 11:00am. Not sure what the AQI was at that time, but if I had to guess it was probably less than 100, definitely less than 150.
The picture below was taken at about 5:00pm. The AQI then was probably about 300-350.

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