Saturday, December 14, 2019


Yesterday evening after class a few Mongolian classmates invited me to eat lunch with them the next day (today). They cooked/prepared this food!

They gave me so much and it looks like I barely ate anything, but I promise I did!! And it was good!
So the noodles had meat and vegetables in it. There was mutton, chicken, carrots, broccoli, I think some onion, sweet potato...not sure what else. On the left is a salad with mayonnaise, tomatoes, eggs, cucumber or zucchini (probably the latter), I think? and again, not sure what else.

They showed me the mayonnaise they used:

 I recognized the package before because I'm in a WeChat group which consists of students living in my building, most of whom are Mongolian, and a lot of times people post that they are selling things, including this mayonnaise. I wonder how or if it is different from American mayonnaise? For some reason I couldn't place the taste until they told me what it was 😅 but I'm not a huge fan of mayonnaise. It's fine to eat in small quantities, but too much is not my thing. I still liked the salad, though.

And of course in the mug is Mongolian milk tea, which I think I said before is slightly salty and not all that sweet. But I like it?? Before I left they also gave me two packets of a different kind of tea, I think they said it is a fruit tea?? Or yellow tea?? I honestly have no clue. I could try to search it on the internet, but I haven't yet. Anyways, I'll let you guys know how it is once I try it.

(Also I know the picture doesn't really look like it, but they ate food too! Not just me 😂)

A picture of all of us in their dorm room! Yay!
The girl in the black shirt is the same major as me.
The girl in gray usually sits next to me during our evening classes.

It's weird because sometimes I don't know what to call them. Some (most?) Mongolians have really long names and thus REALLY LONG CHINESE NAMES. It's already hard for me to learn regular Chinese names!! And then I feel bad for using their Chinese name, like I should be using their Mongolian names instead. 

Then I think about it more and realize, 'well it's not like anyone calls me Valerie..'. 😆 And I don't mind.

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