Saturday, December 14, 2019


 There was a Christmas potluck party today and I had no idea what to take! If I had an oven, I definitely would have taken banana bread. I settled on mini pb&j sandwiches because obviously it's an American classic. But something about them didn't taste like an 'authentic' pb&j sandwich 😂 I think maybe it was the bread. The lady at the store told me there was no sugar used in making the bread, but it was somehow still sweet?? Oh well.

No idea if they were received well or not because I was too busy being bombarded by Chinese students who wanted to practice English 😆

Here's the room where the party was! It is actually in the library (also my student card FINALLY gets me into the library now??? A miracle if I do say so myself!!). The girl/lady giving a presentation is the English teacher from the United States. Apparently her husband is German and was also at the party, but I didn't get to meet him. There were other foreigners at the party as well, there was a guy from Luxembourg there that I have heard about, one of my roommate's classmates was there, I forget where he is from...there also might have been someone from the Netherlands? Not sure. Anyways, I had fun even though I am awkward at talking and meeting new people!

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