Saturday, December 14, 2019


Lunch at the student canteen today! I took this picture while I waiting for my food.

So the cafeteria I usually go to next to my dorm is called Aodu. The security guard (保安) told me I should eat at the student canteen instead of Aodu because it is cheaper, but honestly I think the prices are fairly similar. Anyways, I end up going to Aodu a lot because it is close and convenient, especially if I need to eat before class or another event. 

Today I had (performed?) my PE final on the south campus, and was able to leave class after that, so my Mongolian classmate and I rode the public bus together back to the north campus (the school bus wasn't due to leave for another hour or so).

The bus stop is closest to the south entrance of the north campus, which also isn't too far from the student canteen, hence my lunch choice for today.

I ordered the 石板豆腐 (first item on the menu), which is basically tofu cooked and served on a stone plate. It was good and I didn't take a picture because I was so hungry 😆 Also it was just tofu, not like it was anything super special looking. I liked it, though 😁

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