Saturday, November 30, 2019


Inner Mongolia Museum! I was here just a week ago, but at that time there was no snow! 
The reason I came back is because there is a theater next to the museum (you can see the entrance on the right side of the photo), and my friend wanted to go see a movie.
There are movies at this theater, but it turns out that what we had tickets for was not a movie, but actually a play/show activity for kids.  
My understanding is that the plot was something like this: a prince named 泡泡王 (Prince of Bubbles) had a Princess friend that got taken away by a villain or something? (I know, original.) But he didn't have bubbles or bubble powers, so him and his friend-zoned female sidekick visited a scientist who helped them make bubbles and give him bubble powers. Then you know the rest - bad guy is defeated, princess is saved, everyone lives happily ever after, yadda yadda yadda.

It was really cute though because they asked some kids to participate in the show! Here is the female sidekick leading two kids to the scientist's lab/table thing.

There were also some really cute plot elements involving the villain for the kids to participate in. The first is that when the villain was being 'defeated', he ran off stage and then through the middle of the auditorium. The 'good guys' called out something along the lines of, "小朋友,快点儿抓住他!" (Kids, quick, catch him!) and then the kids ran to the villain as he was making his way back to the stage 😁

Later, the villain admitted his misdeeds and apologized. Then the 'good guys' asked the kids if it was okay to forgive him and have him join in the next bubble activities. Of course they said yes 😊

Another thing that they did with some kids that went on stage was ask them what their favorite animal was. Then the prince gave them bubble features of that animal. So for example, a few kids said they like cats, so the prince gave them bubble ears and a bubble tail. Obviously these didn't last very long, but it was still sweet.

And there were a LOT of bubbles. A. Lot.

A lot. of.

And it was funny to see the kids in the front section go crazy trying to pop the bubbles 😂

I think Frederick would have enjoyed all the bubbles ^__^ Maybe even have been a little overwhelmed xD 

Also, apologies that the theater pictures are not great. I really should have used my American phone, my Chinese phone takes really crappy pictures..

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