Friday, November 1, 2019


More campus pictures! This is in the canteen closest to my dorm. Specifically, I took the picture in the stairway between the first and second floors (there are 3 floors total, and I heard that the 3rd floor has the cheapest prices, which is where I was coming from and where I have been going a lot lately 😅)

The restaurant at the top of the stairs that reads МОНГОЛ is where I ate the dumpling soup with my Mongolian classmate c: (If Google Translate is telling me the truth, МОНГОЛ is Mongolian for 'Mongolia' - that is, Mongolian written using the modern Mongolian alphabet*). 

*which I am assuming is based on Cyrillic script? I haven't done my research but they look alike...although I know Mongolian has some letters that, for example, Russian doesn't have. 
People from Mongolia use the modern Mongolian alphabet. In contrast, Mongolian people born and raised in China learn and write the traditional Mongolian script (which is written from top to bottom, left to right - you can see it on a couple of items/signs in previous posts, but if you don't know what I'm talking about, I recommend checking this wiki link - personally, I find the script beautiful, especially when it's handwritten). Mongolians from Mongolia can read this style of writing, but I don't think that many of them can write it.

And, for a totally unrelated picture --

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