Friday, November 22, 2019


Movie day!
Did not realize what movie I was watching until I saw the big CHARLIE'S ANGELS title screen, but nevertheless I was very pleased. I am usually not a fan of action movies, but there's something satisfying about watching girls kicking some bad guy butt. As you can see above there were Chinese subtitles.
The Chinese name for the movie is 霹雳娇娃

The movie theater was strangely laid out and kind of weird. The weird part may have been because it was a Sunday morning (it felt kind of deserted!) but I'm not sure. There was a little museum dedicated to filmwork inside the lobby before you walked down the hall to the theaters. There were pictures of actors and actresses on the walls in the stairwell.

Also, apparently buying tickets online is cheaper than in person? Like, a LOT cheaper. Like ¥30 - ¥35 for buying a ticket online vs ¥60 - 70 for buying a ticket in person. Is it really that much trouble to buy a ticket in person that the theater tries to discourage it? I don't really understand why the prices are dictated like that.

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