Friday, November 1, 2019


Post dedicated to interesting drink products I have seen!

Saw this in a convenience store yesterday, and I'm curious about the taste...but wasn't curious enough to buy it. 

花生牛奶 = peanut milk, as the English on the bottle reads
 花生 (hua1sheng1) = peanut
牛奶 (niu2nai3) = milk

The part beneath that basically indicates that the drink also includes...egg whites? According to my translation app it could also refer to protein, which I think would sound more appealing, but usually when I see protein on the nutrition facts it is written at 蛋白质 rather than 蛋白...but I don't know if the shorter form was used instead because it's written on the front of the bottle?

A bag of Mongolian style milk tea [powder]. What puzzles me is the fact that the package reads 'combat readiness food'. Why is that there?? Please send in your ideas, my 4 blog readers!

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