Friday, November 15, 2019


Today is a weekend, but here is a picture of the bus I take to and from school!
Well, one of the buses. And on days that the school anticipates a small crowd there is a van instead of a bus. I'm pretty sure everyone hates the van. I'll try to get a picture of it the next time I ride it. 

And below is a picture of what the ticket for the bus looks like. I actually don't know if anyone can get these tickets other than international students. If you don't have a ticket then it costs 2.5 yuan to ride the bus one way. You can pay with your student card, WeChat, or with cash.


  1. Do you use this same ticket every time you ride or do you show some sort of I.D. to get a ticket (just asking because it looks like it's made of paper)?

    1. Yes, the tickets are made of paper and I have to give a ticket to the driver every time I get on the bus. So every day I go to the south campus I use two tickets, one for the trip there and the other for the trip back.

      I get the tickets from the international student office. I sign a paper they have that tracks how many times students have come in for tickets and then they hand me a bundle of 10. They only give me 10, I guess to make sure I am actually using them? But that's a little inconvenient because I have to go to the office at least once a week just to get more tickets. Oh well.

      Hopefully that makes sense! Thanks for commenting and I miss you <3
