Thursday, January 23, 2020


I know I have posted a picture of the little buns on the right before, but I noticed I never uploaded a picture of what's on the left! It's 粥 (zhou), a very common breakfast food, which is usually translated into English as 'porridge' (but, if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't have a good idea of what exactly porridge is..)

There are many different types of 粥 because you can put a lot of different things in it. But at the very least it is in part made by boiling rice for a long time. I think the picture has 八宝粥, which translates as 'eight treasure zhou'. The 8 refers to the fact that there are 8 different items added to the 粥. I can't remember what they all are right now, and I'm sure you could find out by googling it, but I know there are at least peanuts and dates.. 

Sometimes 粥 is consumed on the go by putting it in a cup and drinking it through a straw. I have never done that, and honestly it seems a little weird to me because I feel the consistency is more suited to eat like a soup than to drink in that way..

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