Thursday, January 9, 2020


Posting old pictures from the same day again 😅 I've been a little busy studying for exams..
Anyways, this was before my roommate and I went to the mall. These pictures were taken around campus. The first two pictures were taken near a kuaidi (快递) pickup spot. I'm not sure if kuaidi is similar or related to regular postal service delivery, but I guess an equivalent might be Fedex. We were there because my roommate had a package to pick up.

The third picture was taken near the south gate of the north campus. The ground painting on that parking lot was completed recently, and to be honest I don't really get is the only parking lot decorated in that way so it seems like the money would have suited something else better. I'm also not sure what building the parking lot is next to, that might have something to do with it..
But at least you can see the seal of the university, which is cool in my opinion. The left side (which would be the top if viewing it from the correct angle) is the Chinese name of the university, the right side (bottom) is the English name, so the middle must be what I assume is the Mongolian name of the university, but I can't read Mongolian.

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