Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Mongolian dumpling soup for lunch with my Mongolian classmate! Honestly, it was pretty good. The broth was a little milky and almost tasted like the milk tea we had (so at American restaurants, when you sit down the waiter generally gives you ice water to start with, in China it is hot water or hot tea, and I guess in Mongolia milk tea is common? But it's not like Chinese milk tea, it tastes fuller...saltier? and maybe a little buttery? My classmate said she can make Mongolian milk tea, but was not able to tell me what goes in it, I think she forgot the Chinese words for the items). 
We also ate a different kind of dumpling, it was one big dumpling with meat in it and if I remember correctly I think that bread was fried? Anyways it was also good.
I have read some American blogs before which noted that a lot of Mongolian food tastes the same. I definitely kind of had that feeling during the lunch today. It all tasted good because it was new to me, but I feel like if I had to eat these things every day I would die a little on the inside due to a lack of variety. But other than these things I'm still not quite too sure what Mongolian food is, so perhaps this is a premature judgement.

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