Monday, October 7, 2019


Today was a fairly uneventful day, but I think it gave me the recharging I needed before school starts up again tomorrow.
Here is some cilantro (香菜) in the supermarket. I took a picture of it because my roommate doesn't like cilantro. She's got the lucky genes that make it taste like soap. She also told me a lot of Koreans have this experience, so cilantro isn't used often in Korean cuisine. 

And I cooked for the first time in China today, yay! I think the left looks like sweet potatoes or pumpkin but it's actually carrot. I just wasn't sure how to eat/cook I just stir fried it in the leftover oil from the eggplant on the right. I was worried about how the eggplant would taste, but it was actually pretty good (by/for my standards)! So, victory, methinks. I would like to cook more, especially things like banana bread to give to people, but the dorm doesn't have ovens :( Just those plug-in burner things (I know they actually have a name but I'm blanking on it right now..).

I also don't have a pot yet, so I can't make soup. Not that I make much soup, but if I can find cornstarch at the market I would like to make egg drop soup. Mmm.

And I still don't have a rice cooker.

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