Saturday, May 14, 2016


(So I guess my entry from yesterday is not going to load and I will need to go on my computer to fix that..)
Karaoke! It was super fun (and thankfully lots of English songs!)


  1. Did you sing?? And if so what songs!!?!

    1. Oh my gosh yes. I had a blast.
      One Chinese guy and I tried to do Rap God but I was relying solely on the subtitles cause I haven't listened to it often before, but he raps surprisingly well for English being his second language, I was impressed.
      I did a Lonely Island song, some Lady Gaga, a Nightwish song, a 50 Cent song, and a lot more (we stayed for a loooong time). And whenever there were fast English parts in songs (even if I didnt know how the song sounded), my friends would be like VALERIE HELP (they all know English as a second language) so I seem to have established a decent rap reputation which I am pleased about.

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