Monday, February 29, 2016


This is a sign in my bathroom which welcomed me after I arrived to my dorm at about 11pm. In all honesty, one of the things I'm super excited about is looking at all the English translations I can find in China because I find them amusing, and buying stuff with said translations.
Yesterday at the market, I saw something (I don't remember what object it was) but it had a translation that basically talked about doing everything together with one person and it ended with 'You were my best friend', and I don't think it was supposed to come off as devastating as it sounded..
Today (2/29) when I was out walking with a few other people, we saw a guy with a jacket that read 'DREAW TEAM' on the back, and I guess I just never realized how similar Ms and Ws can look..
Then at dinner we saw someone with a Mickey Mouse jacket that read 'MIKEY MOUSE' and the people I was with questioned, "Who is Mikey??" and one girl answered jokingly, "Oh, it's Mickey's twin brother that no one knows about."
Oh and then there's this from earlier today..

(in case it's hard to read:
'Carry a coffee then come into my heart
Its you that who appears in boundless huge crowd
Possibly, the first one you thought of everyday is me')


  1. Both of these are amazing!
    I hope you're smooth in your slipping XD
    I think this piece of poetry has changed my idea of what I can write: the first line will be tattooed into my heart forever!

    yay Valerie!!

    1. just remember, you can only come into my heart if you are carrying coffee

  2. The "SLIP CAREFULLY" sign is really cute! Do you have your own bathroom? Oh, wait, I'm pretty sure you already told us you did...

    1. Yes. All international students in the dorm have single rooms with their own bathroom. So everyone has their own 'Slip Carefully' sign ^^

  3. hahah! I hope you have been slipping carefully amiga! I am so glad you have a blog because it provides me an avenue to socially acceptably stalk you. ;)
